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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51172101).
A self-consistent fluid model for dual radio frequency argon capacitive glow discharges at low pressure is established. Numerical results are obtained by using a finite difference method to solve the model numerically, and the results are analyzed to study the effect of gas pressure on the plasma characteristics. It shows that when the gas pressure increases from 0.3 Torr (1 Torr = 1.33322×102 Pa) to 1.5 Torr, the cycle-averaged plasma density and the ionization rate increase; the cycle-averaged ion current densities and ion energy densities on the electrodes electrode increase; the cycle-averaged electron temperature decreases. Also, the instantaneous electron density in the powered sheath region is presented and discussed. The cycle-averaged electric field has a complex behavior with the increasing of gas pressure, and its changes take place mainly in the two sheath regions. The cycle-averaged electron pressure heating, electron ohmic heating, electron heating, and electron energy loss are all influenced by the gas pressure. Two peaks of the electron heating appear in the sheath regions and the two peaks become larger and move to electrodes as the gas pressure increases.
In traditional single frequency capacitively coupled plasma (CCP), it is difficult to control plasma density and ion energy separately. The independent controlling of the ion flux and bombarding energy can be easily achieved in a dual frequency CCPs system. They have been widely used in many applications, such as plasma etching, deposition and surface modification.[1–5] In the dual frequency discharges, the high frequency controls the ion flux, while the low frequency mainly determines the ion energy. The ion flux and the ion energy play important roles in plasma processing applications.
A significant number of research studies have been done experimentally, theoretically and also by modeling to study dual frequency CCP in order to improve its application efficiency.[6–24] For the dual frequency of (2+27) MHz and the gas pressure of 6.7 Pa with silicon electrodes, Kim et al. measured the electron density and ion flux.[9] Li et al. used a dual frequency CCP device to study the ion energy distributions in Ar/CF4 plasma.[10] Jiang et al. measured the ion density and electron temperature in a dual frequency CCP by using a complete floating double probe technique. Their results indicated an obvious dual frequency modulating effect on the plasma parameters and the spatial distributions of the plasma parameters.[11] Yu et al. investigated an argon CCP driven separately by dual frequencies of 13.56/2, 27/2, 41/2, and 60 MHz/2 MHz, by using a floating double electrical probe and optical emission spectroscopy.[12] In the dual frequency CCP driven by 60 MHz/13.56 MHz at low pressure, the effects of low frequency power on the plasma characteristics measured by using a compensated Langmuir electrostatic probe was presented by Yuan et al. Their results indicated that the independent controlling of the plasma density and the ion bombardment energy can be achieved at low pressures only.[21] They used the same experimental method to measure the electron energy probability functions in a 60-MHz/13.56-MHz dual frequency CCP. The effects of the gas pressure on the electron density, the effective electron temperature, the floating potential, and the plasma potential in 60-MHz/13.56-MHz dual frequency CCP were measured and compared with those of a 60-MHz single frequency CCP: the results were found to be similar.[22]
Electron heating is the sum of the electron ohmic heating (collisional) and the electron pressure heating (collisionless). The collisionless electron heating is based on a strongly simplified version of the electron momentum balance equation, where inertia terms are ignored. It can contribute to the collisionless electron heating as demonstrated by Laeur et al.[25] The phenomenon of collisionless electron heating was described by a mechanism known as the Fermi acceleration and can also be described as an electron pressure heating effect caused by the constant compression and rarefaction of population in the sheath vicinity, as the sheath expands and contracts. Gahan and Hopkins showed that the electrons travelling from the bulk plasma collide with the moving sheath edge and gain or lose energy depending on whether the sheath motion is towards or backward the electrons.[26] For these reasons, studying the effects of gas pressure is important for understanding the basic discharge dynamics and process. In the bulk plasma region, the ohmic heating of electrons due to collisions is no longer sufficient to sustain the plasma effectively. In the sheath region, the collisionless electron heating exists and therefore the electron gains energy through stochastic interaction with the electric field. Turner and Chabert investigated the collisionless electron heating mechanisms with dual frequency. For typical parameters, they found an interesting result that the heating generated from two currents with dual frequency can be much larger than the effect of single frequency.[27] Schulze et al. had two separate points for electron heating modes in CCPs.[28] These modes described by Belenguer et al. are α-mode and γ-mode. (i) In the α-mode, the ionization is formed by electrons which are accelerated by the oscillating sheath edges. (ii) In the γ-mode, the ionization is formed by secondary electron avalanches.[29]
In our work, the effect of gas pressure on the plasma characteristics in dual frequency argon capacitive glow discharge at low pressure is investigated by a self-consistent fluid model. Since the gap between the electrodes is much smaller than the electrode diameter, a one-dimensional fluid model can describe the plasma successfully.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The model is presented in Section
As is well known, the main reactions in argon discharge include the grounded state excitation, the grounded state ionization, the step-wise ionization, the superelastic collisions, the quenching to resonance, the metastable pooling, the two-body quenching, and the three-body quenching.[23,30] These reactions are listed in Table
A fluid model is employed to describe the plasma in a low pressure dual frequency capacitively coupled discharge. In this model, the densities of ions and electrons between the electrodes satisfy the following continuity equations.[23,24,30]
Based on the drift-diffusion approximation, the fluxes of the ions and the electrons are written as
In our model, the energy balance equation for the ions is ignored due to the ion temperature being assumed to be constant. The energy balance for the electrons can be expressed as
In Eq. (
When the sizes of the electrodes are much larger than the gap between them, a one-dimensional model can be used. For the one-dimensional case, the boundary conditions can be expressed below.
At the powered electrode (the left electrode)
The initial condition for the one-dimensional model is as follows:
Our group used a similar model to study the effect of the second electron emission on the plasma characteristics in single radio frequency (RF) capacitive glow discharge at low pressure.[24] Here in this study, we only change the boundary condition on the powered electrode for the applied voltage.
The fluid model is used to study the capacitively coupled RF discharge with and without the metastable atoms. Lymberopoulos and Economou used the model to study the effect of the metastable atoms.[23] Liu et al. also used the model to study the effect of the secondary electron emission.[24] Recently, Liu et al. used the model again to compare the continuous and pulse RF glow discharge.[30] In this work, we use the model with similar parameter values to theirs. We study the effect of the pressures (changing from 0.3 Torr to 1.5 Torr) on the plasma characteristics in dual frequency argon capacitive glow discharge.
Uniform meshes are used both in space and in time, and implicit difference schemes are adopted to solve numerically the model. The parameter values used in our computing are given in Table
![]() | Table 2.
Parameters used in the numerical simulation. . |
The results of the discharge evolutions are obtained from our numerical simulation for our model at different gas pressures. Figure
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Spatial distributions of the cycle-averaged ionization rate at gas pressures of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.5 Torr in the 6000th cycle. |
On the electrode surfaces, the ion current density and ion energy density are two important parameters for many applications. In order to better understand the ion energy dissipation mechanisms affected by gas pressure, figure
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Electron densities at x = 0.1d for the gas pressures of (a) 0.3, (b) 0.5, (c) 0.7, (d) 1.0, and (e) 1.5 Torr from the 5970th to the 6000th cycle. |
Although the electron temperature is almost constant in the bulk plasma region, and is lower than in the two sheath regions and decreases with increasing gas pressure, the variation of the electron temperature in the whole discharge region is almost the same. The electrons in the bulk plasma region gain energy from the sheath expansion, and electrons emitted from the electrodes are accelerated by the sheath electric field to gain high energies, so that the coupling effect between the two frequency sources is very strong in the sheath but lower in bulk plasma. In Fig.
The electron heating of the capacitive discharge at low pressure is a very important process. Liu et al. studied the electron heating in capacitive RF argon discharges with single frequency at low pressure by a fluid model.[24] Lafleur et al. studied the same problem by the PIC model.[25] In order to further study the gaining and losing of electron energy during the discharge, the cycle-averaged results of the electron pressure heating, the electron ohmic heating, the electron heating and the electron energy loss in dual frequency argon capacitive glow discharges at the gas pressures of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.5 Torr, respectively, in the 6000th cycle are given in Fig.
When the sheath expansion is quick enough, if the high frequency is sufficiently large, the electrons can gain energy and ionize the neutral gas. When the sheath expansion is slow, if the low frequency is large enough, the electrons can loss energy and ionize a small quantity of neutral gas. According to Fig.
The electron heating plays a crucial role in electron energy deposition and is sum of the electron pressure heating and the electron Ohmic heating together from Eq. (
A self-consistent fluid model is established to describe the plasma in dual frequency argon capacitive glow discharges at low pressure. Numerical results are obtained from the model by using a finite difference method. From analyses of the results, some conclusions are obtained below.
(i) The evolution of the electron density and the generation of the plasma are affected by low and high frequency as the gas pressure increases. At the middle point of the discharge region, the electron density has no oscillation. However, in the sheath region, the electron density has oscillation and the amplitude of the oscillation increases as pressure increases. Also, the phase of the oscillation is affected strongly by pressure.
(ii) The cycle-averaged plasma density is asymmetric due to the effect of the dual radio frequency. The plasma density increases and becomes more symmetric as gas pressure increases.
(iii) The cycle-averaged ion current density and ion energy density on the electrodes increase as gas pressure increases.
(iv) The cycle-averaged electric field shows a more complex variation behavior as gas pressure changes. The gas pressure affects mainly the electric field in the sheath region. As the gas pressure increases, the width of the sheath decreases and the electric field in the sheath region increases.
(v) The change of the gas pressure has great influences on ionization rate and the electron energy transferring. As the gas pressure increases, the ionization rate increases and becomes symmetric. The electron pressure heating, the electron ohmic heating, the electron heating and the electron energy loss increase as pressure increases. Furthermore, the electron heating has two prominent peaks in each sheath region.
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